Discordant Couples (HIV)

Home Services Treatments Discordant Couples (HIV)

Discordant Couples (HIV).

The evolution of HIV infection has changed in recent years, with improved life expectancy and quality of life for patients and an increased desire for parenthood. At Halitus Medical Institute, we provide support and assistance to couples facing the challenge of conceiving a healthy baby in cases where only one partner is infected with HIV. Scientific and medical advances allow for pregnancy with a low risk of transmission in serodiscordant couples, where only one partner is infected. This is achieved through a multidisciplinary approach involving specialists trained in the HIV-Fertility field, working closely with the treating infectious disease specialist.

When the male partner is the carrier, a semen washing procedure is performed. This technique involves separating the sperm from the seminal fluid, determining the viral load of the sample, and only then using the “clean” sperm through various assisted reproductive methods to achieve pregnancy. The choice of treatment depends on the couple’s medical history. If the female partner has no contraindications, intrauterine insemination can be performed. In this case, sperm with an undetectable viral load after washing is placed in the woman’s uterus at the time of ovulation. In other situations, such as when there are moderate or severe abnormalities in sperm quality or tubal obstructions in the woman, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be necessary.

When the female partner is the carrier of HIV, it is crucial to undergo antiretroviral therapy to inhibit viral replication. If she does not want to risk the male partner with unprotected sexual intercourse, once the viral load is significantly reduced with medication, intrauterine insemination can be performed.

In cases of infertility issues, with extreme caution, the same assisted reproductive techniques available for general assisted reproduction can be implemented.

At Gestanza, we provide guidance to couples facing the challenge of conceiving a healthy baby.
Scientific Advances.
When the man is a carrier, scientific techniques allow us to determine if there is viral load in semen.
A healthy child is possible.